TP ThinkingProcess

General Improvement tools

The tools below are linked to the 5 phases of the ThinkingProcess D5 improvement methodology


Clarify, validate and agree scope and aims of the project 1.1 Listening to Voices
1.2 Business Impact Analysis
1.3 Project Charter
1.5 Is/Is Not
1.6 Stakeholder Analysis
1.7 Communications Plan
Establish team 1.8 Team Contract
1.9 Selecting the Team
Baseline project plan 1.10 Project Plan
1.11 Risk Plan


Understand as-is 2.1 Process Mapping
2.2 Visual Management
2.3 Value Stream Mapping
2.4 Waste (TIM WOOD)
2.5 Data Collection and Data Quality
2.6 Run Charts
2.7 Process Capability
Identify causes 2.8 Cause and Effect
2.9 5 Whys
2.10 Pareto Analysis
2.11 Variation Analysis
2.12 Y2X


Identify potential solutions 3.1 Brainstorming
3.2 Workouts
3.3 Benchmarking
3.4 Future State Vision
3.5 Ease/Benefit
3.6 Decision Matrix
3.7 Poka Yoke
3.8 DfSS
Test and validate solutions 3.9 Piloting
3.10 Resistance Analysis
3.11 FMEA
3.12 Goal Directed Project Management Plan (GDPM)
3.13 Risk Plan


Embed the changes 4.1 RACI (or see the RAPID tool)
4.2 People Changes (organisation, training etc)
  4.3 Jellison Change Management
4.4 Technology Implementation
4.5 Rewards and Measures
4.6 Standardisation
4.7 Demonstration Plan


Demonstrate sustained benefits 5.1 Listening to Voices
5.2 Control Charts
5.3 Process Maturity
Project review 5.4 Project Closure
5.5 Lessons Learnt
5.6 Benefit Sign-off